Reishi mushroom extract

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table of contents

60 capsules of 266 mg per pack

Cordyceps Sinesis powder, Reishi mushroom extract, Shitake mushroom extract, Lion's mane (Hericium erinaceus)

Maltake Mushroom Extract (Polyporus Frondosus), Turkey Tail Extract (Coriolus Versicalo) (fruit), Chaga Mushroom Extract (Sinonotus Obliquus) (fruit), Royal Sun Partur xtract Afaricus Extract Agaricus Blazei, White Button Mushroom

Cellulose (vegetable capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

application instructions

Daily dose: Maximum 2 capsules per day

The capsules should ideally be taken with water during meals to optimize the absorption of the active ingredients.

Free from added sugar
High-dose organic powder
Fast shipping

Your new level of powers!

That’s why you shouldn’t miss the Reishi capsules under any circumstances!

✅ Improved sleep quality
✅ Strengthens the immune system
✅ Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory
✅ Cancer-preventive effect

Processed by nature for you.

The Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), also known as “Ling Zhi” in traditional Chinese medicine, is called the “mushroom of eternal life” due to its healing properties.

Reishi can be taken for anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects against:

High blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, bronchitis, insomnia, kidney and joint inflammation and more.

Reishi: the natural medicinal mushroom for your health

Our Reishi capsules are more than just a dietary supplement; they are a powerful tool to support your overall health and strengthen your immune system.

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Reishi not only improves your immune system but also helps reduce inflammation in the body.

Benefit from the cancer-preventing ingredients of this natural product that increases your vitality and promotes overall well-being.

Use the mushroom of eternal life and support your health problems.

Reishi capsules: Help yourself regain new strength - with the help of beta-glucan

The Reishi mushroom contains more than 100 bioactive substances, with polysaccharides, especially beta-glucans, playing a central role in its health benefits.

These components are known to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Additionally, other bioactive compounds, such as triterpenes, play a key role in supporting heart health and liver function.

It is not uncommon for the mushroom to help some cancer patients regain their strength. Hence the name “mushroom of eternal life”.

Frequently Asked Questions: Everything you need to know about our natural Reishi capsules

Find quick answers and clear solutions for all your concerns about our products and services.

What are the health benefits of Reishi capsules for you?

Boosting the immune system : Reishi mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which can stimulate or regulate the immune system to promote healthy balance and strengthen defenses.

Heart health : The triterpenes in the reishi mushroom can lower blood pressure and regulate cholesterol levels, which benefits the heart.

Liver support : Studies show that reishi mushrooms may regenerate and protect the liver.

Antioxidant effect : Reishi is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and thus promote cellular health.

Stress Relief and Sleep : Reishi acts as an adaptogen and can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

Cancer prevention : Initial studies suggest that Reishi may inhibit the growth of cancer cells and strengthen the immune system, although further research is needed.

Some in vitro and animal studies have shown that reishi extracts can inhibit the growth of cancer cells or promote apoptosis (programmed cell death). There is also evidence that reishi can strengthen the immune system, thereby supporting the body's ability to fight tumor cells.

How does Reishi work in your body?

The Reishi mushroom contains more than 100 bioactive substances, with polysaccharides, especially beta-glucans, playing a central role in its health benefits.

These ingredients are known to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.

How should you take Reishi capsules?

The ideal dosage of Reishi mushrooms depends on individual health goals and needs.

It is recommended to start with a low dose and increase it slowly. The recommended dosage for capsules is 2 capsules per day.

Can everyone take Reishi capsules?

Reishi is safe for most adults, but you should consult your doctor first if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have certain medical conditions.

How long does it take to deliver Ashwagandha capsules?

Your Reishi capsules will usually reach you within 1-3 working days.

Customer Reviews

Based on 53 reviews
Mariam Yilmaz
Perfekte Ergänzung für mehr Ausgeglichenheit

Seit ich die Reishi Kapseln in meine Routine aufgenommen habe, hat sich mein Leben positiv verändert. Ich fühle mich mental ausgeglichener und habe mehr Energie im Alltag. Früher war ich abends oft ausgelaugt, aber das hat sich komplett gewandelt. Auch meine Stimmung hat sich verbessert – ich bin viel weniger gereizt und gehe Herausforderungen entspannter an. Die Kapseln sind leicht zu schlucken und haben keinen unangenehmen Geschmack. Für mich sind sie ein echter Gamechanger

Leonard P.

Ich habe schon viele Nahrungsergänzungsmittel ausprobiert, aber die Reishi Kapseln haben mich wirklich überzeugt. Ich fühle mich wacher und gleichzeitig viel entspannter im Alltag. Besonders bemerkenswert ist, wie mein Schlaf sich verbessert hat: Ich schlafe schneller ein und fühle mich ausgeruhter. Das Produkt ist gut verträglich und ich hatte keinerlei Nebenwirkungen. Wer einen natürlichen Boost für das Wohlbefinden sucht, sollte es ausprobieren. 5 Sterne von mir!

Claudia Harmann
Ein echter Gewinn für meine Gesundheit

Ich bin begeistert von den Reishi Kapseln! Nach etwa zwei Wochen habe ich einen spürbaren Unterschied in meinem Energielevel und meiner allgemeinen Stimmung bemerkt. Besonders hilfreich finde ich sie in stressigen Zeiten, in denen ich normalerweise schnell erschöpft bin. Seit ich die Kapseln nehme, fühle ich mich deutlich ausgeglichener und schaffe es, auch an hektischen Tagen ruhig zu bleiben. Ein großer Pluspunkt ist, dass ich auch besser schlafe und morgens erfrischt aufwache. Absolut zu empfehlen für alle, die ihre Gesundheit auf natürliche Weise unterstützen möchten

Super hilfreich !

ch bin begeistert, wie ausgeglichen ich mich fühle. Top!

Berkay L.

Fühle mich besser, aber die Wirkung könnte schneller einsetzen