Does a massage gun help against soreness?
There are many different types of soreness, but there are two main types: delayed soreness and acute soreness.
Acute muscle soreness (AMS) is understood to be the discomfort in the muscles that occurs during and shortly after vigorous physical exertion and can last up to 24 hours. Symptoms begin within a minute of tensing the muscle and last two to three minutes or up to several hours after relaxation.
DOMS, also known as muscle fever and delayed muscle soreness. This is a painful feeling in the muscles caused by a new and unfamiliar hard effort. DOMS is believed to be caused by temporary muscle injury and inflammation, with eccentric exercise being the most common trigger. See Sports Muscle Injuries DOMS is classified as a Type 1 muscle strain with a pain free interval of 12-24 hours and a peak muscle soreness of 24-72 hours.
Muscle soreness is caused by many different causes:
Exercise and activities
If you play sports, lift weights, jog, hike, bike or even work in the garden, you probably know the connection between muscle overload and pain. Your muscles can strain or cramp in the middle of a workout or long run, causing acute muscle soreness, and you may feel even worse the next day.
Acute muscle soreness is most often caused by the buildup of lactic acid produced by the muscles when the body breaks down more carbohydrates for energy than there is oxygen available. This is often the case during intense exercise when your muscles require more oxygen than your lungs and blood can supply. Lactic acid can build up quickly and cause acute muscle discomfort during or shortly after exercise. claudication, d. H Discomfort caused by the insufficient blood supply to the muscles during activity can lead to acute muscle soreness. When they stop exercising, the pain usually goes away. While lactic acid build-up can occur in healthy people, claudication can be an indication of vascular disease and should be evaluated by a doctor.
Delayed muscle soreness, previously thought to be a result of lactic acid exposure, is caused by micro-injuries to muscle fibers. When your muscles have to work harder than they're used to, they can suffer a microscopic injury that can lead to inflammation, stiffness, and muscle pain a day or two later.
Stress, Anxiety, Tension
When you are nervous or anxious, your muscles may become stiff suddenly or for a long period of time. This is almost a reflex response to stress - a method the body uses to protect itself from harm or discomfort. Long-term tension caused by chronic stress can lead to muscle pain, which is why many stressed people suffer from shoulder, neck and back problems. Muscle tension can also lead to joint problems, as well as other stress-related disorders such as migraines and mental health problems.
When muscles are stretched or flexed beyond their normal range, they can tear. When the tears are tiny and don't involve the larger muscle, the resulting muscle strain is often a minor injury that heals quickly or within a day or two. More acute cases, which can result in partial or total rupture of the entire muscle, can be excruciatingly painful and often result in disability. Sprains can cause muscle strain or pain because they affect connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons.
When a bone is shattered, or a muscle, joint, or soft tissue is injured, the muscles around the affected area are often affected as well. This can happen when the body is trying to compensate for an injured area of the body that is no longer functioning properly. The added stress on the surrounding muscles and bones often causes significant muscle spasms and pain.
So how does a massage gun help against sore muscles?
Massage guns are usually used to relax tense muscles and to promote blood circulation. This has a dual purpose: it can help the body prepare for exercise while also reducing the risk of muscle strain.
Using a massage gun is great for DOMS as it helps reduce muscle soreness by flushing the harmful blood and lymph fluid from the muscles into the blood vessels. The power of the massage gun dissolves muscle fiber adhesions, relaxes tense muscles and significantly reduces muscle soreness.
Since aching muscles can be very sensitive, it is important to adjust the speed and depth while using the massage gun . It's important to start with the lowest setting on the massage gun and slowly increase the sensitivity to find what setting feels best for the muscle group that needs pain relief.
Moreover, most massage guns also contain different accessories of massage heads, which can be used for pain relief on different muscle groups because each muscle group has a different size.
The Fitgun helps against sore muscles